Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Dogs of War!
(1923) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Robert McGowan (Robert F. McGowan)
Cast: Mickey Daniels [Mickey], Mary Kornman [Mary], Jackie Davis [Jack], Ernie Morrison [Sunshine Sammy], Jackie Condon [Jackie], Joe Cobb [Joe], Allen Hoskins [Farina], [?] Elmo Billings? [an opposing army member], [?] Gabe Saienz? [an opposing army member], Andy Samuels [an opposing army member], George Warde (George Ward) [an opposing army member], Roy Brooks [the receptionist], Robert Davis (Bob Davis) [the truck driver], Dick Gilbert [the studio guard], William Gillespie [the director of Should Husbands Work?], Clara Guiol [an actress, the mother of ‘Little Clarice’], Jack Hill [a policeman], Wallace Howe [an actor around the studio lot], Harold Lloyd [himself], Walter Lundin [a cameraman], Ernie Morrison Sr. [the assistant director], Fred C. Newmeyer [the director of Why Worry?], Jobyna Ralston [herself], Lincoln Stedman [the casting director], Charles E. Stevenson [Dan, an actor], Leo White [an actor around the studio lot], [?] Charley Young? [a cameraman], [?] Morty O’Grady?
Hal Roach Studios, Incorporated, production; distributed by Pathé Exchange, Incorporated [“Our Gang” Comedies; Pathécomedy]. / Produced by Hal Roach. Properties by Charles Oelze. Photographed (cinematography) by Harry W. Gerstad [?] + [Len Powers]? Stills photography by Stax Graves and Eugene Kornman. Film editor, T.J. Crizer (Thomas J. Crizer). Titles (intertitles written) by H.M. Walker. Presented by Hal Roach. / © 1923 by Pathé Exchange, Incorporated. Released 1 July 1923. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The 14th “Our Gang” film. Lloyd and Ralston make a brief appearance.
Survival status: Print exists in the UCLA Film and Television Archive film archive.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Children - Our Gang
Listing updated: 30 August 2023.
References: Film credits, film viewing : Braff-Short n. 5560; Gulick-Rascals p. 78 : Website-IMDb; Website-Lloyd.
Home video: DVD.