John Gilbert and Aileen Pringle.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
His Hour
(1924) United States of America
B&W : Seven reels / 6300 feet
Directed by King Vidor
Cast: Aileen Pringle [Tamara Loraine], John Gilbert [Gritzko], Emily Fitzroy [Princess Ardacheff], Lawrence Grant [Stephen Strong], Dale Fuller [Olga Gleboff], Mario Carillo [Count Valonne], Jacqueline Gadsdon [Tatiane Shebanoff], George Waggoner [Sasha Basmanoff], Carrie Clarke Ward [Princess Murieska], Bertram Grassby [Boris Varishkine], Jill Reties [Sonia Zaieskine], Wilfred Gough [Lord Courtney, also known as Jack], Frederick Vroom [the English minister], Mathilde Comont [the fat harem lady], E. Eliazaroff [Khedive], David Mir [Serge Grekoff], Bert Sprotte [Ivan], Eleanor Boardman
Louis B. Mayer Productions production; distributed by Metro-Goldwyn Distributing Corporation. / Scenario by Elinor Glyn, from the novel His Hour by Elinor Glyn. Production supervision by Elinor Glyn. Art direction by Cedric Gibbons. Gowns design by Sophie Wachner. Assistant director, David Howard. Cinematography by John Mescall. Intertitles written by King Vidor and Maude Fulton. Presented by Louis B. Mayer. / © 23 September 1924 by Louis B. Mayer Productions [LP20635]. Released 29 September 1924. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.
Survival status: Print exists in the Museum of Modern Art film archive.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Authors: Elinor Glyn (1864-1943) - Duels - Egypt - English (Abroad) - Love affairs - Nobility - Russia
Listing updated: 20 September 2015.
References: Carroll-Matinee p. 140; Dowd-Vidor pp. 45, 51, 52-53, 55, 91; Eames-MGM p. 13; Lahue-Gentlemen p. 103; Paris-Brooks p. 128; Vermilye-Twenties p. 165; Weaver-Twenty p. 143 : Website-AFI : with additional information provided by Chrstine U’Ren.