Geraldine Farrar.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Joan the Woman
(1916) United States of America
B&W : [?] Ten, Eleven or Twelve? reels
Directed by Cecil B. DeMille
Cast: Geraldine Farrar [Joan of Arc], Wallace Reid [Eric Trent; and the British soldier (prologue)], Raymond Hatton [King Charles VII], Hobart Bosworth [General La Hire], Theodore Roberts [Bishop Cauchon], Charles Clary [La Tremouille], James Neill [Uncle Laxart], Tully Marshall [L’Oiseleur], Larry Peyton (Lawrence Peyton) [Gaspard], H.B. Carpenter (Horace B. Carpenter) [Jacques d’Arc], Lillian Leighton [Isambeau], Marjorie Daw [Katherine], Stephen Gray [Pierre], Ernest Joy [Robert de Beaudricourt], John Oaker [Jean de Metz], Hugo B. Koch [the Duke of Burgundy], William Conklin [John of Luxembourg], Walter Long [the executioner], Billy Elmer (William Elmer) [Guy Townes], Emilius Jorgensen [Michael], Cleo Ridgely [the king’s favorite], Clarence H. Geldert [Count Dunois; and the colonel (prologue)], Fred L. Wilson, Ernest Butterworth, Ramon Samaniegos (Ramon Novarro) [a starving peasant], Jack Holt, Pansy Perry [Farrar’s double]
Cardinal Film Corporation production; distributed by Cardinal Film Corporation. / Scenario by Jeanie Macpherson. Art direction by Wilfred Buckland. Art staff, Mr. Mayers. Costume design by Miss Hoffman. Costume construction by the Western Costume Company. Constructive property department, Mr. De Vall. Props by Mr. Tate [?] (Cullen Tate)? Lighting by Howard Ewing. Assistant directors, Mr. Horwitz, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Ford and Cullen Tate + [William C. de Mille, George Melford and Donald Crisp]. Stunts by Leo Nomis. Photographed (cinematography) by Alvin Wyckoff. Lab work supervised by Mr. Palm. Film editor, Cecil B. DeMille. Original music score by William Furst. Presented by Jesse L. Lasky. / © 12 December 1916 by Cardinal Film Corporation [LP9782]. Premiered 25 December 1916 in New York, New York. Released [?] 4 January 1917? / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Original sequences (probably fire sequences) with color effects by “the Wyckoff Process,” developed by Alvin Wyckoff, Max Handschiegl, Cecil B. DeMille and Loren Taylor. News items report that up to 17 cameramen were employed by the production. [?] Listed by Russell Merritt (in Leyda-Before p. 72) as produced by Lasky. [?] Geduld-Birth p. 38 lists the music score as by Hugo Riesenfeld.
Drama: Historical.
Survival status: Print exists in the George Eastman Museum film archive [35mm positive].
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Listing updated: 25 November 2016.
References: Film credits, film viewing : Bardèche-History p. 107; Basten-Technicolor p. 14; Birchard-DeMille p. xi; Bohn-Light p. 90; Brownlow-Parade pp. 183, 238, 366, 368, 370; Cary-Hollywood p. 92; Everson-American p. 369; Fell-History p. 106; Geduld-Birth p. 38; Leyda-Before p. 72; Shipman-Cinema p. 61; Sinyard-Silent p. 65 : ClasIm-220 p. 48; ClasIm-240 p. 44 : Website-AFI; Website-GEM : with additional information provided by Bob Fontenrose.
Home video: DVD.