Wolfgang von Waltershausen and Christl Ehlers.
Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
Menschen am Sonntag
(People on Sunday)
(1930) Germany
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Robert Siodmak and Edgar G. Ulmer + [Rochus Gliese]
Cast: Brigitte Borchert [Brigitte], Wolfgang von Waltershausen [Wolfgang], Christl Ehlers [Christl], Erwin Splettstösser [Erwin], Annie Schreyer [Annie], Kurt Gerron, Valeska Gert, Heinrich Gretler, Ernö Verebes
Filmstudio 1929 production. / Executive producer, Moriz Seeler. Produced by Heinrich Nebenzahl and Edgar G. Ulmer. Scenario by Billie Wilder (Billy Wilder) and Robert Siodmak, assisted by Fred Zinnemann and Edgar G. Ulmer, from an idea by Kurt Siodmak (Curt Siodmak). Cinematography by Eugen Schüfftan. Camera assistant, Fred Zinnemann. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Silent film.
Survival status: Prints exist in the Eye Film Instituut Nederland film archive [35mm nitrate positive (Dutch release version), 1997 35mm restoration negative, 1997 35mm restoration positives], in the Cinémathèque Royale film archive [35mm nitrate positive], in the Cineteca Italiana film archive [35mm positive], in the Cinémathèque Suisse film archive [fragmentary 35mm positive], in Copenhagen, Denmark [duplicate 35mm positive], and in the [?] British Film Institute National Archive film archive?
Current rights holder: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung.
Listing updated: 16 March 2015.
References: Film credits, film viewing : Limbacher-Feature p. 187; Shipman-Cinema p. 109; Sinyard-Silent p. 165 : FilmmuseumNews-1.
Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.