Mary Pickford and Henry B. Walthall.
Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
The One She Loved
(1912) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by D.W. Griffith
Cast: Henry B. Walthall [the husband], Mary Pickford [the wife], Lionel Barrymore [the neighbor], Kate Bruce [the neighbor’s wife], Gertrude Bambrick [the stenographer], Madge Kirby [the nurse], Harry Carey [the neighbor’s friend], Eldean Stewart [the baby], Lillian Gish
Biograph Company production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Scenario by George Hennessey. Cinematography by G.W. Bitzer. / Released 21 October 1912. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.
Drama: Romance.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Children - Coin purses - Hats: Women’s - Infants - Pearls
Listing updated: 21 May 2012.
References: Barry-Griffith p. 43; Eyman-Pickford p. 327; Spehr-American p. 3; Weaver-Twenty p. 145.