Helen D’Algy and Rudolph Valentino.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
A Sainted Devil
(1924) United States of America
B&W : Nine reels / 8633 feet
Directed by Joseph Henabery
Cast: Rudolph Valentino [Don Alonzo Castro], Nita Naldi [Carlotta], Helen D’Algy (Helena D’Algy) [Julietta], Dagmar Godowsky [Doña Florencia], Jean Del Val [Casimiro], Antonio D’Algy (Tony D’Algy) [Don Luis], George Siegmann [El Tigre], Rogers Lytton (L. Rogers Lytton) [Don Baltasar], Isabel West [Doña Encarnación], Louise Lagrange [Carmelita], Rafael Bongini [Congo], Frank Montgomery [the Indian spy], William Betts [the priest], Edward Elkas [the notary], A. De Rosa [Jefe Politico], Ann Brody [a duenna], Evelyn Axzell [Guadulupe], Marie Diller [Irala], Genevieve Belasco
Famous Players-Lasky Corporation production; distributed by Paramount Pictures Corporation [A Paramount Picture]. / Produced by Adolph Zukor and Jesse L. Lasky. Scenario by Forrest Halsey, from the short story “Rope’s End” by Rex Beach. Art direction by Lawrence Hitt. Cinematography by Harry Fischbeck. Presented by Adolph Zukor and Jesse L. Lasky. / © 15 November 1924 by Famous Players-Lasky Corporation [LP20778]. Released 17 November 1924. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot at Paramount’s Astoria Studios on Long Island, New York.
Survival status: The film is presumed lost : A fragmentary print exists, less than a reel of the film has survived.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Animals: Horses - Authors: Rex Beach (1877-1949)
Listing updated: 28 June 2024.
References: Brownlow-Parade pp. 42, 218; Paris-Brooks p. 80; Vermilye-Twenties p. 126 : Website-AFI : with additional information provided by Arne Andersen.