W.C. Fields (center) and Carol Dempster.
Photograph: courtesy Kino Lorber.
Sally of the Sawdust
(1925) United States of America
B&W : Ten reels / 9200 feet
Directed by D.W. Griffith
Cast: Carol Dempster [Sally], W.C. Fields [Professor Eustace McGargle], Alfred Lunt [Peyton Lennox], Erville Alderson [Judge Henry L. Foster], Effie Shannon [Mrs. Foster], Glenn Anders [Leon], Charles Hammond [Mr. Lennox], Roy Applegate [detective]; Florence Fair [Miss Vinton], Marie Shotwell [society lady]
D.W. Griffith, Incorporated, production; distributed by United Artists Corporation. / Produced by D.W. Griffith. Scenario by Forrest Halsey, from the play Poppy by Dorothy Donnelly. Art direction by Charles M. Kirk. Assistant directors, Erville Anderson and Frank Walsh. Cinematography by Harry Fischbeck and Hal Sintzenich. Film editor, James Smith. Presented by D.W. Griffith. / © 1925 by D.W. Griffith, Incorporated. Premiered 2 August 1925 at the Mark Strand Theatre in New York, New York. Released 9 August 1925. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot in Paramount’s Astoria Studios on Long Island, New York. Although the film was produced using Paramount facilities, the film was released by United Artists to complete Griffith’s contractual obligation.
Survival status: Print exists in the film holdings of Cohen Media Group (Raymond Rohauer collection) [35mm positive].
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: African-Americans - Airplanes - Alcohol - Animals: Camels, Dogs, Elephants, Horses, Lions, Puppies - Bakeries - Bakers - Balloons - Balls - Bicycles - Black eyes - Books - Bottles: Ink - Bridges - Butlers - Cages: Animal - Candy: Cracker Jack - Canes - Cards: Playing - Carnivals - Carousels - Cemetaries - Charities - Chases - Children - Circuses - Clocks - Clothing: Costumes, Furs, Stockings - Clowns - Coal - Constables - Court clerks - Courthouses - Courtrooms - Crime: Attempted rape, Theft: Automobile - Criminals: Bootleggers, Pickpockets - Crowds - Dance floors - Dancers: Hula - Death - Escapes - Families: Father-daughter relationships, Grandfathers, Grandmothers - Fences: Picket - Fights - Fire - Flowers - Food: Biscuits, Sandwiches - Furniture: Chairs - Gambling - Games: Card, Shell - Gum: Juicy Fruit - Hats: Straw, Top - Houses - Ink - Jails - Jewelry: Necklaces, Pearls, Tiaras - Judges - Juggling - Lanterns - Law: Enforcement (Police: Detectives, Policemen), Judicial (Legal papers) - Letters - Lion tamers - Luggage - Make-up - Matrons - Money - Moustaches - Musical instruments: Bagpipes, Banjos, Pianos, Ukeleles, Xylophones - Ovens - Parks - Pens - Pillows - Real estate - Reconciliations - Rich people - Roads - Rocks - Sandwich carts - Sawdust - Sidewalks - Signage - Smoke - Spielers - Stages - Storefronts - Telegrams - Telephones - Tents: Circus - Tickets - Tobacco: Cigars - Tombstones - Toys: Dolls - Traffic signals - Train stations - Tramps - Transportation: Automobiles (Limousines), Trains, Trucks - Trapeze - Trees - Trunks - Umbrellas - USA: Connecticut, Pennsylvania - Wagons - Wallets - Walls: Stone - Water - Watering cans - Weapons: Guns - Whistles - Witnesses
Listing updated: 11 January 2024.
References: Film viewing : Bardèche-History p. 285; Barry-Griffith pp. 4, 74, 76, 77, 78; Brownlow-Parade pp. 81, 91, 93; Everson-American pp. 191-192; Fell-History p. 56; Fields-Fields pp. 74, 256i, 267; FilmYearBook-1926 p. 53; Kerr-Silent p. 296; Limbacher-Feature p. 211; Paris-Brooks p. 112; Vermilye-Twenties p. 142.
Home video: DVD.