Conrad Veidt (right).
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Das Wachsfigurenkabinett
Also known as Three Wax Men in the United Kingdom; Waxworks and The Three Wax Works in the USA : {The Three Waxworks}
(1924) Germany
B&W : Seven reels / [?] 2147, 2139 or 1681? metres
Directed by Paul Leni [?] + [Leo Birinski]?
Cast: Emil Jannings [Harun al Raschid], Conrad Veidt [Iwan der Schreckliche (Ivan the Terrible)], Werner Krauß (Werner Krauss) [Jack the Ripper], Wilhelm Dieterle (William Dieterle) [die dichter (the poet)/pastetenbäcker Assad (the baker Assad)/Russischer fürst (a Russian prince)], Olga Belejeff [Eva/Maimune/eine bojarin (a boyar)], John Gottowt [inhaber der panoptikums (owner of the panopticon)], Paul Biensfeldt [wesir (the vizier)], Georg John, Ernst Legal
Neptun-Film Aktiengesellschaft production; distributed by Universum-Film Aktiengesellschaft [UFA]. / Scenario by Henrik Galeen. Scenario editor, Leo Birinski. Production management by Alexander Kwartiroff. Assistant art director, Fritz Maurischat. Set design by Paul Leni. Set construction supervision by Fritz Maurischat and Alfred Junge. Costume design by Ernst Stern. Property master, Paul Dannenberg. Unit manager, Arthur Kiekebusch. Assistant director, Wilhem Dieterle (William Dieterle). Cinematography by Helmar Lerski. Still photography by Hans Lechner. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot May-September 1923. German censor certificate numbers: B.08140 (14 February 1924) and B.09330 (12 November 1924). The film was released in the USA on 13 November 1924. The original German camera negative was lost in a fire that occurred in 1925.
Survival status: Prints exist in the British Film Institute National Archive film archive [35mm nitrate positive, 35mm duplicate negative (incomplete UK import version)]; in La Cinémathèque française film archive [incomplete French import version]; in the Cineteca di Bologna film archive [35mm positives]; and in private film collections [8mm reduction positives].
Current rights holder: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung [Germany]; Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Expressionism - Ivan the Terrible - Jack the Ripper - Wax museums
Listing updated: 9 May 2024.
References: Bardèche-History p. 191; Bohn-Light pp. xxiii, 126; Jensen-Lang p. 24; Kael-Kiss pp. 289, 367; Limbacher-Feature p. 270; Marrero-Vintage p. 24; Sinyard-Silent p. 159; Taylor-Hitchcock p. 72; Vermilye-Twenties p. 175 : Website-Filmportal; Website-IMDb.
Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.