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Motion picture theatres from the silent era.
Copyright © 1999-2024 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Hippodrome Theatre  
Address 724 Austin Avenue
Opening Night Seating Capacity 819
Original Theater Owner Southern Enterprises
Original Theater Architect unknown
Years of Operation Opened 7 February 1914
Type of Musical Accompaniment Pipe organ and small orchestra
Current Status Operating

The Hippodrome Theatre was constructed in 1913 and opened its doors on 7 February 1914. Admission was 10 cents for adults, a nickel for children, and box seats were 25 cents. The Hippodrome was a first-run house.

The theatre was managed by Mr. E.H. Hulsey and was known as “Hulse’s Hipp.” At its opening, the theatre was operated by Southern Enterprises as an affiliate of Paramount Pictures Corporation. Featured attractions were three silent movies, a pipe organ concert, and a performance by a five-piece orchestra.

After the theatre was leased to Louis Dent’s Waco Theatres, Incorporated, a fire occurred in 1928 in the projection room and the theatre was closed for renovation in its current fashion. When the theater reopened it was renamed the Waco Theatre. The theatre has undergone four renovations: the first in 1928, with others occurring in 1936, 1961, and in 1971 by ABC Interstate Theatres.

Control of the theater passed to Karl Hoblitzelle’s Interstate Theatres of Dallas at some point during the history. The date of this transfer cannot be confirmed as yet. The last transfer of control, prior to its current state of operations, was to Texas Consolidated Theatres Inc. in 1961.

The original 1914 Hippodrome marquee was damaged in the 1928 fire. The theatre was renamed the Waco Theatre, which led to the construction of the second marquee sometime in the early thirties. That marquee was damaged by a 1953 tornado, which destroyed much of the downtown Waco area. A third marquee was built in 1957. When it was removed is not known. The current marquee is a reproduction of the historic second marquee and was constructed in 1995.

With the decline of downtown Waco and urban migration to the suburbs, the theatre underwent its own decline. Film attendees flocked to newer, suburban mall theatres. In the late 1970s, the Hippodrome was leased by Mexican-American organizations to host band concerts and show Hispanic films. From 1978-1980, the theater stood silent.

The Waco Independent School District held a bond election to build a performing arts facility, which failed. This catalyst sparked the restoration effort. The Junior League of Waco conducted the initial feasibility study, and aided by the Cooper Foundation, between 1981 and 1987, the community raised and contributed $2.4 million dollars. The Waco Hippodrome Theatre reopened its doors on 26 February 1987. It is now listed on the National Registry of Historic Places and The Texas Historical Commission roster as well.

The Waco Performing Arts Alliance Waco Hippodrome now offers theatre-goers Broadway touring productions, nationally-known children’s theatrical productions, as well as rental to other touring children’s shows, and community-sponsored events. The theatre has also hosted events presented by the Waco Independent School District, Baylor University, and other nonprofit agencies as well.

The Waco Hippodrome has seen its share of world-class performers, ranging from Elvis Presley, Chita Rivera, Ben Vereen, Lionel Hampton, Marvin Hamlisch, and others. Recently, Hippodrome performers have included Michael Martin Murphey, Kathy Mattea, Bruce Hornsby and James Earl Jones.

References: FilmYearBook-1926 p. 586 : with additional information provided by Cristina Calaf, Adam Ford and Jennifer Warren.


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